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Teacher Wish Lists

Every school year I am in awe of our teachers and all that they do-especially with the constant changes. I’m talking about the good teachers. The one’s that go above and beyond. The ones that not only love what they do, they make a difference in their classrooms and schools. These are the teachers that we never forget! I don’t know about you, but there are a handful of teachers that, as an adult, I still remember. I remember them because they believed in me and took the time.

As a kid I never knew all that goes on behind the scenes with teachers, but as an adult and parent, I obviously am much more aware of the sacrifices they make and the hard work. With that being said, I want to do my part to give back in honor of all amazing teachers getting ready to head back to the classroom.

I put together a list of teacher wish lists from teachers that I know and love and then some others that I just found out about from our wonderful IG community.

See all the lists below and let’s help these classroom heroes out!

Brittany Anderson – Kindergarten (Franklin, TN)

Brittany Kristman -Title 1 5th Grade (Philadelphia, PA)

Rachael Greene – Middle School

Sarah Giles – Middle School Math (Sulphur Springs, TX)

Dana Seydel – Title 1 2nd Grade (San Mateo, CA)

Aubri Armstron – 3rd Grade (Keller, TX)

Sarah Brown – 2nd Grade (Fisher, IL)

Gillian Evans – 3rd Grade

Nicole Cortez – 5th Grade

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