I literally cannot believe I’m writing this post. In fact, I’m pretty sure that when I first started blogging, I promised myself I wouldn’t write a post having anything to do with being athletic or what you wear when being athletic. Now don’t get me wrong, I love sports and consider myself somewhat athletic…meet me on the basketball court any day, if you’re up for a challenge! But is this something that I want to write about? (I could probably write a whole blog post on the Lakers and why they’re my favorite team, so great, blah blah blah…BUT.) I’m not a sports writer. I’m no expert on fitness and even if I were, it’s not really what I want to be writing to you about!

However, as I mentioned before, I joined a gym at the end of 2018. Now despite what some of you may be thinking, joining a gym isn’t far fetched for me. Since having Sammy, I’ve thought about it. There honestly just wasn’t one that I wanted to join. There was always a list of reasons why I didn’t want to join any of the gyms that would be convenient. But they built a new one a mile away and so…excuses flew out the window! So here I am, on week 4. I have to admit, I was hooked after week 1. You may have heard it said that most, if not all, habits can be formed after 30 days. I’m guessing that’s why there are so many “30 day challenge” type things out there. Well, I’m a firm believer in that philosophy. If you TRULY decide to do something, push through, don’t give up, don’t cheat, keep going…after 30 days you’ll have made it a habit. When I realized just how true that was (Google all about Rachel Hollis’ Last 90 Day Challenge for more info on how I experienced just how true this philosophy is), I was excited to vocalize my goals and get working–at the gym! Has it been easy, NO. But it’s been worth it, for so many reasons. Reasons I’m not going to get into now because, after all, this is a fashion post…

Joining a gym forced me to really look hard at my sad active wear wardrobe. I just kept thinking, okay, if I were an “athleisure stylist” what would I be telling my client right now? Folks, it wasn’t pretty. Yes, my Lululemon from 5 years ago still looked brand new and amazing, but it couldn’t be any more boring (No offense to Lulu lovers, they have great stuff, but it’s just not what I needed to help motivate). Easy fix! Took to my instagram stories and asked YOU all where I needed to go for some fun and updated active wear! This was probably the most responses I’ve received to any question…so, good for you all for being active!!! Or at least looking the part 🙂
I’m patiently waiting for everything to arrive, but I wanted to share my findings with you all for fun…or in case you’re looking for some new things too or if you’re joining me on the path of health and wellness! 2019 is the year of good choices and one of those is looking good while sweating…It’s a proven fact that when we look good, we feel good (or better), so dare I say, new workout gear is part of the motivation process? I’ve seen so many women say that for them, it is!






Thanks for following along and reading! I’d love to hear about your 2019 goals! Leave comment below!
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