It’s been a while since I’ve gone through all of my favorite and most used beauty products from Sephora and so I thought the sale would be a good excuse for me to round them all up for you! Most of them, unless I state otherwise, are products that I’ve been using for a really long time. It takes me a while to decide if I love something and often it’s not till I’ve used to whole thing. Once it’s empty I figure out if I loved it enough to buy again. Everything linked in this blog post are things I have bought over and over again (unless it’s a new product I’m trying or a wish list item).
I’m currently doing a Sephora share on Instagram stories, but I wanted to be able to not overwhelm you there and have a place where I could link everything and you can always come back and refer back when you’re shopping! Let me know if you have any questions about any of the products. If you’ve been following me for a while, then chances are you’ve seen me share most of these a bunch of times! I love trying new products, but a lot of the time I end up going back to my tried and true favorites.

I’m breaking down this post into categories, so that you can shop based upon what specific type of product you may be looking for. I hope that makes it easier, but I’m open to feedback because it’s been so long since I’ve done a post like this for you.
I first want to talk about skincare. I probably should write a whole separate post about this because over the last year I have really gotten into skincare. It’s crazy because I never was really into it that much and my routine was really just a face wash and SPF (I know, so crazy), but last year I started trying out some new products and I have gotten the perfect routines down (depending on the weather and what my skin is like). I’m really really picky about the products I use on my skin. I have a few products that I use that are from my esthetician (if you’re local I see Katharine at DEFY. She does all of my skincare procedures and she’s the one that helped me come up with the perfect regimen. I can’t live without my DEFY family!) and a few other brands. One brand that I swear by is Farmacy. I first bought some of their products during the sale last year because my friend had been raving about them. I almost instantly got hooked! I was fortunate to be able to work with them several times and try out more products. These products have become some of my “can’t live without” products! When they’re empty, I buy more!
If you can only scoop up a few things, my must haves are the Honeymoon Glow Serum, The Green Clean Toner (I’ve literally gone to every local Sephora to find it when it’s sold out-it’s that good) and the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream. I’m loving these so much, I’ll never not have them in my cabinet.

Next is my face makeup! This can vary depending on my mood, but my foundation is almost always the same! I’ve been using this one for over a year and I always come back to it. Use a damp beauty blender with it and your skin will look so good! I also have been using the HourGlass concealer since that last Sephora sale and I’m just about out. I LOVED it and most likely will come back to it. I’m currently testing out another one, which I have linked here-I’ve heard such good things about it! I also have been using the HourGlass setting powder and it’s my favorite one that I’ve tried.
If you want your makeup to look good, your skin has to look good. Think of it as painting a canvas. You need to prep the canvas for the paint! I ALWAYS do my skincare (which includes SPF) and then moisturizer AND primer. I’ve been using the Charlotte Tilbury Magic Cream day and night and then using the Glow Primer right after and then go straight in with my foundation. I’m obsessed with these products and will most likely repurchase when they’re empty! I also really like the Becca Primer! Both of these give you a beautiful hydrated glow underneath your makeup.
I recently started using the Charlotte Tilbury Bronzer/Highlight Duo and I LOVE it! It was on my list forever and I recently started working with the brand and they sent it in a PR Package. I wish I had tried it sooner. I love it! I honestly haven’t tried anything from them that I haven’t loved-yet.

Next up are eyes! If I’m wearing my Blinkifly lash extensions (discount code RACHEL10), I’m not wearing eye makeup, but when I don’t have those on, I’m using one of these three palettes! They’re my favorite. So pigmented and the quality of the formulas are just so good…worth every penny. My favorite liquid liner is this one from Charlotte Tilbury- so good and doesn’t make my eyes water! I have a couple IGTV Videos sharing my latest makeup routine using all of these products and I’ll probably do another one for the Sephora Sale, so you can see me using everything I’m mentioning in this post.

Lips! Lips are my favorite. I’m always stocking up on new colors. My favorite lipsticks are from Charlotte Tilbury (I’ve been using them for years) and I have all my favorite colors linked here! Penelope Pink and Kim KW are most two most worn colors. I’ve purchased them both multiple times! The Tom Ford gloss is a splurge (but get it during the sale)-TOTALLY worth it. Probably the best gloss on the market. I plan on grabbing more during the sale (it’s one of those things you’ll always grab whenever it’s on sale). I also have been testing out red lipsticks over on Instagram and I have a whole highlight tab with them. Some are from Sephora, so if you’re wanting a great red lipstick, be sure to check there ASAP! I’ll share some new ones from Sephora over on stories this week too.

Next up is hair! I use Color Wow hair products for a lot of my styling, but I absolutely LOVE Alterna! I use all of these products religiously and they have transformed my health of my hair! Hands down the best leave in conditioner I’ve ever tried. I’m also linking my favorite curling iron! I’ll never not use this brand…that’s how good it is. Set your heat low for this one! I use the second setting on it.

I almost forgot to include perfume, which is crazy since this is the time of year I usually pick up a new scent. I recently got a new perfume (not sold at Sephora), so I probably won’t grab one during the sale. I wanted to link some of my all time favorites that I still own and use. You could say I’m a perfume hoarder. I love a pretty bottle and new scent. I also use them for different things. I have a scent that I only use when traveling, a beach scent, a winter/holiday scent, pretty scents, more musky…you get what I’m saying! It depends on my mood.

Lastly, I want to end with my personal wish list, which honestly is always changing. I’m sure the list will get longer after seeing what other people are sharing and trying out. I always try things bases on reviews of beauty bloggers or friends (or sometimes if the package is super pretty, I’ll get it to try lol). If you have a product that you can’t live without, let me know what it is. I’d love to try it too! Also, the sale is a great time to grab stocking stuffers. I always fill mine up (yep, I stuff my own) with beauty products…travel perfumes, lipsticks, lip gloss, lotion…

I know this was a long one, but I wanted to go into a little more detail about the products and why I love them! I hope you found this helpful and you can always refer back to it whenever you’re ready to shop the sale or need some new products.
This post does contain affiliate links and I make a small commission every time you use my links to shop, so I thank you in advance for supporting me in that way. Shopping my links is one of the ways I earn my income and get to continue doing the job that I do and creating content for you, so thank you for that! If you’re someone that likes to shop in store, you can always use my links to shop online and do in store or curbside pick up!
Thanks for reading!
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