Happy Friday! Remember my blogger trip way back in April? Well, I briefly explained why I was there with a bunch of other bloggers (that I hadn’t met in person prior to this trip) and today I finally get to share more.
My friends, Erika and Megan, had the opportunity to design a t-shirt line with an amazing Florida brand, 30A. If you’re familiar with that part of Florida and the strips of beaches, then chances are you have heard of the brand 30A (named/inspired by this amazing beach area-look up Alys Beach, Rosemary Beach, Grayton Beach, Inlet Beach). I have had this particular part of Florida on my travel bucket list for a while, so when Megan and Erika reached out to see if I would travel to Florida with a bunch of bloggers for a week to help promote their collaboration, I had to say YES!

A little background on me first. If you’re into personality tests…I’m an Enneagram 3, wing 4. (I’ll share what that means here) With that comes being somewhat of an introvert. I’m such a homebody and have to really convince myself to go somewhere. I don’t love large groups, so I typically avoid those type of things/trips. I think there’s a misconception when it comes to bloggers and influencers on the internet. We put ourselves out there, show up for our audience and really shine-but you would be surprised how many are actual introverts. I think many, like myself, may come off as an extrovert-when really we/I do so much better/am most comfortable 1 on 1 or in a small group. So needless to say, this trip was somewhat out of my comfort zone, but I’m so glad that I took the risk! I have to say, I had a real peace about it from the very beginning and that really never waivered, so I went into this trip being super excited.

Okay, so back to the trip. We stayed in Rosemary Beach (which I HIGHLY recommend). I actually loved all of the beaches along 30A that we visited and I’m hoping to get back there with the family soon! I shared so much of the trip on my Instagram and I saved a lot to a 30A highlight tab, which you can check out here. What I didn’t share was anything about Erika and Meghan’s t-shirt collection, so I’m happy to finally share that with you!

Today is LAUNCH DAY and you can shop their entire collection HERE. I’ll also be sharing some behind the scenes stuff over on Instagram stories, but I wanted to show you some of the amazing pictures and the adorable t-shirts-perfect for vacay and beach days!
Shop the collection by clicking the images below

A few more pictures from our photoshoot…don’t forget to head over to my Instagram stories for some behind the scenes video footage from this super fun day!

I hope you enjoyed this little peak into one of the best experiences I’ve had since taking the plunge into this career. I really do feel so blessed to be able to do this. I’m so thankful for every single one of you that follows along on any of my social media platforms, engages with me, sends me a message, swipes up/clicks to make a purchase, shares with a friend and/or subscribes to this site! I have moments where I can actually pause and I’m still, after three years, amazed that I get to do this-largely because of you! THANK YOU!
*Photography by Samantha Guillebeau
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