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Big Announcement

Hi Friends! It’s been a while since I’ve opened up this blog and written anything, but it’s time. It’s actually long overdue. The beauty of this blog is that it’s completely my own. In this business of blogging and influencing, I have come to realize that having an active blog is crucial. It is the one thing that you can control and have complete ownership over.

If I’m honest, there have been times that I’ve wanted to throw in the towel. Don’t get me wrong, I LOVE what I do, but there’s nothing more frustrating for a content creator to go through all of the work to create content that nobody sees or appreciates. And then if you’re running your space as a business (like I am), you’re at the mercy of so many factors in order for you to get a paycheck. Anyway, I won’t go into all the details on the back end side of this gig because the truth is-I still love what I do. For those of you that follow along, you are part of an amazing community that we have built and I want to keep that going and grow in ways that will make sense for all of us.

I had to really think about what was keeping me from staying consistent with this blog and I realized there were a few things. First, I was feeling the pressure to produce content like everyone else-with a dose of Rach in the mix, instead of ALL of Rach. Secondly, I was frustrated that it seemed readers only wanted quick swipe up links to shop fast and not take the time to read blogs anymore. Lastly, I realized that while I have grown my Instagram and it has evolved to be a good representation of myself, I had not done the same for my blog and so I hated even coming here to write.

So…I’m a problem solver. I had these problems with my blog and my lack of motivation that was a result of these problems. I realized these were honestly such an easy fix, but I wasn’t desperate enough to fix them. So I decided to take a break and revisit the idea with fresh eyes. Insert 2020 and all that mess (I don’t even have to go into it, am I right?). I had a lot of time to think about how I was to go moving forward, what was important to me and what would be the best way for me to keep this going and make it sustainable. All answers kept pointing back to this blog.

So fast forward to a few weeks ago. I was in Florida for a blogger trip (I should probably write about that) and I decided I was going to fix those problems I had shelved. Here we are! New Blog-New Me! Well, not really new me, but this blog will now be a better reflection of who I am. And I needed the aesthetics to go along with that. MAJOR shout out to Shari at Little Blue Deer Design . She not only took my vision and made it better than I could have dreamed, but she somehow managed to capture me perfectly…down to the smallest font. And she was FAST. (I’m an Enneagram 3, so I need work related things done like yesterday). I cannot recommend her enough.

So take a look around. Not everything has been updated under each tab, but you’ll get a great idea of things to come! I actually am looking forward to keeping this space updated and also having a place for you, the reader, to get to know me better and to have a resource of everything I share-all in one place. I hope you love it as much as I do and I hope you keep coming back (and share with your friends too)!

*Top 3 photos Taken By Samantha Guillebeau of Guillebeau Photo. If you are in the Augusta, GA area or are able to meet with her/fly her in-DO IT. I’m forever obsessed with her amazing talent. I’ll be sharing more of of her work soon! Check her out here.

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